报告人:肖锐 教授 武汉大学 医学研究院
报告日期:2020年12月29日 上午10:30
报告题目:Functional Genomic Studies on Human RNA-Binding Proteins
地址: 伟德体育官网实验楼B111报告厅
肖锐,武汉大学医学研究院教授/博导,教育部免疫与代谢前沿科学中心PI,湖北省“楚天学者”特聘教授,在武汉大学获得生物技术专业学士学位和生物化学与分子生物学专业博士学位,之后赴美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校(UCSD)开展博士后研究,并于2017年全职回武汉大学独立开展科研工作。主要从事RNA结合蛋白的功能和机制研究,代表性研究成果发表在Cell (2019)、Nature (2015, 2020)和Molecular Cell (2012, 2016)等国际知名期刊,并获得国家自然科学基金面上项目和科技部重点研发计划重点专项的资助。曾多次担任Advanced Science等国际学术期刊审稿人。
Genomes encompass all the information necessary to specify the development and function of an organism. In addition to genes, genomes also contain a myriad of functional elements that control various steps in gene expression. A major class of these elements function only when transcribed into RNA as they serve as the binding sites for RNA binding proteins (RBPs), which act to control post-transcriptional processes including splicing, cleavage and polyadenylation, RNA editing, RNA localization, stability, and translation. Despite the importance of these functional RNA elements encoded in the genome, they have been much less studied than genes and DNA elements. Here, we describe the mapping and characterization of RNA elements and chromatin regions interacted with a large collection of human RBPs in K562 and HepG2 cells. These data expand the catalog of functional elements encoded in the human genome by addition of a large set of elements that function at the RNA level through interaction with RBPs as well as provide a new insight into the prevalent function of RBPs in transcription at the chromatin level.