2019年08月16日    查看

非洲猪瘟病毒严重影响了我国的生猪养殖业,目前仍然缺少有效的疫苗和药物来防治该病毒,其中很重要的原因在于对该病毒的变异机制缺乏了解。非洲猪瘟病毒属于双链DNA病毒,基因组大小分布在170kb~200kb之间,变化较大。为了阐述该病毒的基因组变异机制,2019年8月10日来自BV伟德官方网站生物信息学与病原学研究团队在国际兽医学权威期刊《Veterinary Microbiology》发表题为“Homologous Recombination Shapes the Genetic Diversity of African Swine Fever Viruses”的文章。



大部分重组事件都是基因型特异的,而且发生在基因组的两端。最后,研究团队发现非洲猪瘟病毒基因组中存在大量33~49 bp的重复序列,它们以成簇的形式出现,而且在重组区域的重复元件明显大于非重组区域,表明重复元件有利于基因组重组的发生。



《Veterinary Microbiology》,论文原文链接:。



The African swine fever virus (ASFV) has severely influenced the swine industry of the world. Currently, there is no effective vaccine or drugs against the ASFV. How to effectively control the virus is challenging. In this study, we have analyzed all the publicly available ASFV genomes and demonstrated that there was a large genetic diversity of ASFV genomes. Interestingly, the genetic diversity was mainly caused by extensive genomic insertions and/or deletions (indels) instead of the point mutations. Further analyses showed that the indels may be attributed much to the homologous recombination, as supported by significant associations between the occurrence of extensive recombination events and the indels in the ASFV genomes. Besides, the homologous recombination also led to changes of gene content of ASFVs. Finally, repeated elements of dozens of nucleotides in length were observed towidely distribute and cluster in the adjacent positions of ASFV genomes, which may facilitate the occurrence of homologous recombination. This work highlighted the importance of homologous recombination in shaping the genetic diversity of the ASFVs, and could help understand the evolution of the virus.


1. Zhaozhong Zhu, Chao-Ting Xiao, Yunshi Fan, Zena Cai, Congyu Lu, Gaihua Zhang, Taijiao Jiang, Yongjun Tan, Yousong Peng. Homologous Recombination Shapes the Genetic Diversity of African Swine Fever Viruses,Veterinary Microbiology,2019.